Codemasters PLOTRCDUK05 ユーザーズマニュアル

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Choose the origin you want from the pulldown menu. Origin has no bear-
ing on your stats or class, but it should be taken into account as you create 
your character’s name and backstory. Origin also infl uences your appear-
ance options, so select your origin before refi ning your appearance (or lock 
down your appearance before selecting your origin). Here are the possible 
origins for each of the races:

Character names must be unique. 
If another character already has 
the name you have chosen, you will 
have to choose again. Inappropriate 
names are not allowed and will be 
automatically rejected.

Later in your career you can gain 
the right to add a surname. If you 
choose to do so, seek out a Notary in 
town to set or change your surname 
for a small fee.
Blue Mountains.
 Once the seat of 
two great Dwarf-kingdoms, Ered Luin 
— the Blue Mountains — is where the 
kinsmen of Thráin and his son Thorin 
Oakenshield lived in exile after Smaug 
drove them from the Lonely Mountain.
Iron Hills.
 The Iron Hills were settled 
by Dwarves as a refuge from the Cold-
drakes. From here came Dáin Ironfoot, 
King under the Mountain, kinsman of 
the great Thorin Oakenshield.
The Lonely Mountain.
 Erebor, the 
Lonely Mountain, is where Smaug 
the Golden made his lair until Thorin 
Oakenshield reclaimed it for his people. 
There does Dáin Ironfoot now rule as 
King under the Mountain.
Grey Mountains.
 The chief of Ered 
Mithrin, the Grey Mountains, is 
Mount Gundabad, from whence came 
Durin the Deathless, fi rst Father of the 
Dwarves. Dwarves returned to these 
mountains after the Dragons perished.
White Mountains.
 The  southwestern 
halls of Ered Nimrais, the White Moun-
tains, border the lands of Andrast to 
the south. Though far from the central 
mountains where Men once dwelt, the 
rumour of the Oathbreakers has given 
this realm an ill name.
 Lindon is the green land of the 
Elves between Ered Luin and the Sea, 
where Gil-galad, the last great Elf-king, 
once ruled. Círdan the Shipwright now 
rules there from Mithlond, the Grey 
 The Elves of Lothlórien dwell 
high in the mallorn-trees and are ruled 
by Celeborn, wisest of the Eldar of 
Middle-earth, and the Lady Galadriel.
 The Wood-Elves  of 
Mirkwood, once called Greenwood 
the Great, are ruled by King Thranduil, 
who keeps watch against the grow-
ing darkness of Dol Guldur, former 
stronghold of Sauron in his guise as the 
 Imladris, called Rivendell by 
Men, was built by Elrond Halfelven as a 
refuge for the Elves of Eregion as they 
fl ed destruction at the hands of Sauron.
 The Nandor of Edhellond, 
the great Elf-haven in the south, was 
built by Amroth at the Mouths of An-
duin, and there dwell many lesser Elves.
You must choose a name for your 
character at this screen by clicking 
in the Name fi eld and typing in the 
name you want. (This box also has a 
variety of naming guidelines for the 
race you have chosen, but you are not 
required to follow these guidelines.) 
In general, names must:
•  be one word with no spaces
•  contain at least four letters
•  not contain three of the same 
letter in a row
•  have a vowel (A, E, I, O or U) or 
Y within the fi rst four letters
•  not contain more then four consecutive vowels
•  have a vowel or Y as part of any fi ve letters in a row
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