Alvarion BREEZENET BU-DS.11 ユーザーズマニュアル

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BreezeNET DS.11 Series User Manual 
Counters Tab 
The Counters tab displays a series of statistics related to usage and performance. 
3-7: Counters Tab (BU Units) 
Using the Counters tabs, you can view a wide range of performance data at both 
sides of the link. For RB units, you can monitor the received signal strength 
through the RSSI (Received Signal Strength Indication) bar indicator at the bottom 
of the window. This RSSI bar can be used to optimize antenna alignment and 
improve link quality. 
To obtain a graph that displays the counter values, select a counter and drag it to 
♦  Tx Counters 
Tx Fragments: The number of transmitted frames. The count includes data 
and management frames and the number of retransmissions of data frames 
(for example, if the same data frame is retransmitted ten times then the 
count will increase ten times). 
Tx Frames: The number of frames successfully transmitted to the wireless 
media. The count includes successful transmissions of data frames 
(excluding retransmissions), and the number of management frames. 
Multicast Tx Frames: The number of successfully transmitted multicast 
Retry Count: The number of frames that were successfully transmitted 
after one or more retransmissions. 
Multiple Retry: This counter is incremented when a packet is successfully 
transmitted after more than one retransmission.