Sterling SSL ユーザーズマニュアル

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  Press the 
The new setting is stored in the battery-backed RAM memory. 
If you decide that you don’t want to modify the current setting of a parameter: 
  Press the 
 SCROLL key to abort the change. 
The change is aborted and the 
 screen displays again. 
To return all parameters to factory default values: 
  Turn off the Series One Plus using the green power switch. 
Press and hold both the 
 UP key and DOWN key together 
simultaneously as you turn on the Series One Plus green power 
All menu parameters are restored to factory default values. 
5-11  Series One Plus Operating Parameter Menus 
Maximum Vacuum Cycle Time 
0 to 360 Seconds, Default = 60 Seconds 
For volume-fill operation, the Maximum Vacuum Cycle Time menu lets you set the 
maximum vacuum motor time
 during a conveying sequence. If the level sensor in the hopper 
loader does not detect a full loader when the time you set elapses, the vacuum motor stops and 
the loader dumps. Increase this time setting if it takes longer than sixty (60) seconds to fill the 
To optimize operation, set the timer in this menu to approximately 
ten (10) seconds longer than the time it takes to fill the loader 
under your current conveying conditions.
To determine how long it takes to fill the loader, watch the timer 
count up during operation. When the display changes to 
- - - - 
(dashes), the loader is full. Add ten (10) seconds to the value 
displayed right before the display changes to 
- - - - (dashes). 
For time-fill operation, more frequent loading cycles, or less material conveyed per cycle, you 
can set this parameter so the vacuum motor stops and the loader dumps before it is full. Set the