Adder Technology TS4 사용자 설명서

페이지 19
How does Synchrony work?
Synchrony is a small software utility that runs on each of your computer 
systems and continually tracks the current mouse cursor position. One system is 
designated as the ‘primary’ and the other systems use standard network links to 
report their mouse cursor information back to it. 
The primary system has an extra communication link directly to the Adder TS4 
switch. When the Synchrony utility detects that the cursor has moved over the 
edge of a screen boundary, it instructs (via the primary computer) the Adder 
TS4 to switch the common keyboard and mouse through to the appropriate 
The Adder TS4 and Synchrony combination minimises any potential security risks 
in two important ways:
•  The network messages flowing between the systems contain only benign 
cursor positioning reports.
•  All keyboard and real mouse data flow only through the direct keyboard and 
mouse connections via the Adder TS4, not via the network. 
The Synchrony utility provides straightforward configuration in which you 
can define the connected systems, their network identities and their relevant 
switching scenarios. The primary system runs Synchrony in server mode whereas 
the other systems run Synchrony within its client mode.   
Synchrony configuration tips
In combination with the installation instructions provided with the Synchrony 
utility, please consider these configuration tips: 
•  You are recommended to use a native serial port or third-party serial card on 
the primary system. USB to serial adapters will work, but won’t provide such 
a rapid switching action between systems. 
•  Option switch 5 is used to place the Adder TS4 into Synchrony mode, 
however, the setup switches are only consulted during the power on phase, 
or when the TS4 is reset using option switch 8. Moving option switch 5 
whilst the unit is on will have no effect.
•  For each system, the screen name that you enter in the Synchrony setup 
must be the name that identifies the system on the network (it cannot be 
random). In Windows this can be found in My Computer > Properties > 
Computer Name
. Alternatively, you can discover the screen name by running 
the Synchrony software and selecting “Advanced”. The computer name of 
the current computer is then shown in the Screen Name field.
Full instructions on how to install 
and configure Synchrony are 
included with the utility which 
can be downloaded from this 
Cursor position data sent to primary system via standard network links
Cursor currently 
active on system 
Switching commands sent from primary 
system via special serial link 
The primary 
system runs 
the Synchrony 
utility in Server 
mode. All 
other systems 
run the utility 
in Client mode.
Common keyboard and mouse 
links switched through to the 
currently active system (PC4)