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페이지 2629
     maintainer, including the source code.  The preferred way to do this is 
     by e-mail or by uploading the files to a server and e-mailing the URL. 
     If the number of changes is small (e.g., a modified Makefile) e-mailing 

     context diff will do.  The e-mail address to be used is 
IV)  It is not allowed to remove this license from the distribution of the 
     sources, parts of it or from a modified version.  You may use this 
     license for previous Vim releases instead of the license that they came 
     with, at your option. 
=== end of license === 
- If you are happy with Vim, please express that by reading the rest of this 
  file and consider helping needy children in Uganda. 
- If you want to support further Vim development consider becoming a 
  |sponsor|.  The money goes to Uganda anyway. 
- According to Richard Stallman the Vim license is GNU GPL compatible. 
  A few minor changes have been made since he checked it, but that should not 
  make a difference. 
- If you link Vim with a library that goes under the GNU GPL, this limits 
  further distribution to the GNU GPL.  Also when you didn\xd5 t actually 
  anything in Vim. 
- Once a change is included that goes under the GNU GPL, this forces all 
  further changes to also be made under the GNU GPL or a compatible license. 
- If you distribute a modified version of Vim, you can include your name and 
  contact information with the "--with-modified-by" configure argument or the 
  MODIFIED_BY define. 

Kibaale Children\xd5 s Centre   
Kibaale Children\xd5 s Centre (KCC) is located in Kibaale, a small town in 
south of Uganda, near Tanzania, in East Africa.  The area is known as Rakai 
District.  The population is mostly farmers.  Although people are poor, there 
is enough food.  But this district is suffering from AIDS more than any other 
part of the world.  Some say that it started there.  Estimations are that 10 
to 30% of the Ugandans are infected with HIV.  Because parents die, there are 
many orphans.  In this district about 60,000 children have lost one or both 
parents, out of a population of 350,000.  And this is still continuing. 
The children need a lot of help.  The KCC is working hard to provide the 
with food, medical care and education.  Food and medical care to keep them 
healthy now, and education so that they can take care of themselves in the