Macromedia live cycle 7.2 매뉴얼

페이지 90
Adobe LiveCycle
Configuring SSL on JBoss
Installing and Configuring LiveCycle Security Products for JBoss
 Creating an SSL Credential     66
Creating an SSL Credential
To configure SSL on JBoss you need an SSL credential for authentication purposes. You can use the IBM 
Key Management tool that is installed with Java keytool to create a credential
To create an SSL credential: 
1. From a command prompt, navigate to [appserver root]/server/all/svcnative, and then run the keytool 
using the following commands:
>keytool -genkey -alias ads-credentials -keyalg RSA -keystore ads-ssl.jks
-validity 3650
Enter keystore password: <password> 
What is your first and last name?
[Unknown]: <first_last>
What is the name of your organizational unit?
[Unknown]: <company_name>
What is the name of your organization?
[Unknown]: <company_name>
What is the name of your City of Locality?
[Unknown]: <town_name>
What is the name of your state or province?
[Unknown]: <state_name>
What is the two-letter country code for this unit?
[Unknown]: <CA>
Is <CN=<first_last>, OU=<company_name>, O=<company_name>, L=<town_name>,
ST=<state_name>, C=<CA> correct?
[no]: yes
Enter key password for <ads-credentials>
[Unknown]: <Press ENTER if the same as keystore password>
The genkey procedure can be entered as a single command, as in the following example:
>keytool -genkey -alias ads-credentials -keyalg RSA -keystore ads-ssl.jks
-validity 3650 -storepass password -keypass password -dname "CN=Joe User,
OU=Joe’s Group, O=Joe’s Company Name, L=City Name, S=State, C=CA"
The new credential, ads-ssl.jks, is located in the [appserver root]/server/all/svcnative directory.
2. If other servers will be communicating over SSL with this server, copy the certificate you just created to 
ads-ssl.jks by entering the following commands:
>keytool -export -v -alias ads-credentials -file
"[appserver root]\server\all\svcnative\ads-ca.cer" -keystore
"[appserver root]\server\all\svcnative\ads-ssl.jks" -storepass
3. Copy the ads-ca.cer file from the [appserver root]/server/all/svcnative directory to the required 
application servers. This certificate is used in the procedur