Korg D3200 사용자 설명서

페이지 200
(7) Assign insert effect 3.
Set InsEFF3 to IN and CH to 3, and set InsEFF4 to IN and CH 
to 4.
In the InsEFF3 edit cell, select the “Rotary Speaker” effect 
from “SFX&etc” in the “Stereo” category.
Because this is a stereo effect, the same effect will automati-
cally be selected for InsEFF4. (
For details on editing the parameters of the effects you selected, 
refer to “4. Editing the effects” (
5. Recording
Now you’re ready to record. In this example, let’s record the guitar.
Preparations for recording
(1) Setting the recording mode
Press the REC/PLAY MODE key. In the “RecMode” tab page, click the radio button to select 
(2) Select the recording status.
On the D3200, the recording signal of each channel can be sent from either Before (PRE) the 
fader, or after the fader (PST). Press the SEND key, and in the “RecSend” tab page, make sure 
that the channel you’re recording is set to PRE. If it is set to PST, click the button to change the 
setting to PRE.
(3) Set a meter view.
Press the METER key.
Click the popup button in the screen to display the Meter/Track Type dialog box.
Using the radio buttons, select “PreFader” as the Meter Position, and “TrackView” as the view. 
Then click the OK button (or press the panel YES key).