Korg D3200 사용자 설명서

페이지 200
2-3. Finding a precise location 
By looking at the waveform data in the display, you can find 
a precise location. This allows you to register a locate point or 
a mark at the exact point where a sound begins.
You can view the waveform as described here in the Scrub screen, 
and in the Wave screen used for track editing (
By watching the waveform as you listen to the audio, you can 
find the desired location of the song.
If you press the SCRUB key at a location that occurs after the 
end of the song, a dialog box will open that says “Scrub loca-
tion exceeded song end.” Click OK or press the panel YES 
key, and the location will be set to the end of the song.
(1) Press the SCRUB key to display the Scrub page.
(2) Click the popup button beside “Trk” to display the 
Select Track dialog box.
(3) Select the track that you want to play back, and click 
the OK button (or press the panel YES key).
If you click the Stereo button (highlight), you can view 
the waveforms of two adjacent channels in the upper 
and lower parts of the window while you play back.
(4) Click the ZOOM buttons to adjust the size and range 
of the displayed waveform.
Instead of using the ZOOM buttons, you can hold down 
the JUMP/MATCH key and press the cursor keys.
(5) Turn the value dial to find the location while you listen 
to the sound.
The track audio will play back according to the direction 
and speed at which you turn the value dial.
The Loc cell and the vertical bar indicate the location of 
the audio you are hearing.
When you reach the desired location, press the STORE key 
and register the location in a LOC key or a mark.
Click the 
 button to play back approximately two sec-
onds of audio ending at the current location, or click the 
 button to play back approximately two seconds of 
audio starting at the current location.
(6) Press the SCRUB key once again, and you will return 
to the screen in which you were before entering the 
Scrub screen.
Alternatively, you can exit the Scrub screen by pressing a 
mode key or a direct key to move to another page.
Finding a zero-cross point
If you click the SearchZero button to turn it on, you can turn 
the value dial to move between locations at which the wave-
form level crosses the ±0 point.
Turn the dial toward the right to move to the next zero-cross 
Turn the dial toward the left to move to the previous zero-
cross point.
When using loop playback, or when setting IN, OUT, TO, and 
END points for a track editing operation, setting the location at a 
zero-cross point will ensure a smoother transition.
You cannot hear the audio while the Search Zero button is on.