Korg D3200 사용자 설명서

페이지 200
If this option is unchecked, you will revert to the drum kit 
and sounds that are specified for each drum pattern.
5. Pattern maps
You can use Session Drums to create a pattern map in real 
time. When you do this, pattern map events will be automat-
ically created each time you switch patterns.
By editing existing events or adding new events to this pat-
tern map, you can create a high-quality pattern map for the 
entire song.
You can’t create or edit a pattern map if the song’s Protect setting 
is turned on.
You can’t use the pattern map if the Click Monitor button is 
turned on (highlighted) in the “SessionDr.” tab page. Click the 
Click Monitor
 button to turn it off.
When creating or editing a pattern map, the types of events that 
can be edited will depend on the RecMode setting in the “Ses-
Creating a pattern map
You can add events to the pattern map to change the time 
signature, drum pattern, or tempo setting at the specified 
By changing the number of measures and the drum pattern 
assigned to each event in the pattern map, you can create a 
drum performance for an entire song, including fill-ins and 
an ending.
Another way to create a pattern map is to use the “SessionDr.” 
tab page to make the changes in real time while you listen to the 
drum patterns, and then use the “PatternMap” tab page to edit 
each event.
The performance of the pattern map you create here is automati-
cally recorded on the drum track, but you can also record it on a 
channel track or the master track (
(1) Enable the pattern map.
• Access the SESSION DRUMS “SessionDr.” tab page.
• Turn the Click Monitor button off (normal display).
(2) Set the parameters for event “001” at the beginning of 
the pattern map.
• Access the SESSION DRUMS “PatternMap” tab 
• In the list, select (highlight) “001:...”.
The pattern map consists of up to two hundred events; event 
 which specifies the pattern at the beginning of the song, 
and events “002” through (up to) “200” which specify pat-
tern changes during the song.
• Click the Edit button to open the Edit Map Event dia-
log box. When the dialog box appears, you will auto-
matically be in preview (audition) mode.
• Use the GROUPSESS, and VARI knobs to select the 
pattern that event “001” will use.
• Use the TEMPO knob if you want to set a different 
tempo for this event.
• Use the Length cell to specify the number of measures 
that the pattern will continue playing.
The beginning of the pattern map is fixed at “001” and cannot 
be changed.
• When you’ve made the desired settings, click the OK 
button (or press the panel YES key).
(3) If you want the time signature or drum pattern etc. to 
change during the song, you can add more steps to the 
pattern map.
• Click the New button to open the New Map Event 
dialog box.
• Use the GROUPSESS, and VARI knobs to specify the 
desired drum pattern.
• If you want to create a tempo change, use the TEMPO 
knob to set the new tempo. The new tempo will begin 
with the first measure in this event.
• If you want to select a blank pattern, a fill, or an end-
ing pattern, click the BlankFill, or Ending buttons 
• Use the Start Meas cell to specify the starting meas-
ure, and the Length cell to specify the number of 
• When you click the OK button (or press the panel YES 
key), the new event will be added to the pattern map. 
When you add a new event to the pattern map, the 
event numbers of the pattern map will be consecutively 
reassigned starting from the beginning of the song.
• By adding events to the pattern map, you can create 
the drum track for an entire song, including an intro, 
fill-ins, switching patterns, and an ending.
• You can click the Prev button to preview (audition) 
the drum pattern assigned to an individual event.
(4) Listen to the pattern map you’ve created.
In the SESSION DRUMS “SessionDr.” tab page, click 
the Play button. The drum patterns will switch accord-
ing to the pattern map you created.
Alternatively, you can move to the beginning of the 
song, turn on the DRUMS key, and press the PLAY key 
to play back the song.