Fujifilm A200 Manual Do Utilizador
6.4 Installation on a Mac OS X
6.4.1 From FinePixViewer installation to restart
Only FinePixViewer is installed on Mac OS X.
AVI movies cannot be played back on version 10.0.4.
1. Switch your Macintosh on and start up Mac
OS X. Do not launch any other applications.
2. Load the enclosed CD-ROM into the CD-
ROM drive. The “FinePix” window opens.
If the “FinePix” window does not open automatically,
double-click the CD-ROM icon.
double-click the CD-ROM icon.
3. Double-click “Installer for MacOS X”.
4. Click the “
” icon.
5. Enter the administrator name and password.
Then click the [OK] button.
6. Click the [Continue] button.
7. Quit any other programs that are running
and then click the [Continue] button.
8. Click [Cntinue] button in the “Software
License Agreement” window.