Lexmark W810 Guia Do Utilizador

Página de 236
Output options
Configuring bins
The Optra W810 lets you tailor the configuration of the 10 output bins to your needs by 
selecting different printer settings for the Configure Bins menu item in the Paper Menu. 
For detailed information on using the operator panel to change these settings, see 
“Changing printer settings” on page 27. The following section provides an overview of the 
different settings.
Mailbox setting
When you set Configure Bins to Mailbox, each output bin is treated as a separate mail-
box. For example, when you send a job to print, you can choose to output your job to any 
one of the ten output bins. Once the bin is full, the printer prompts you to remove the 
pages before continuing to print. 
Note: If you do not select a bin, the print job is sent to the default output bin 
specified by the Output Bin printer setting in the Paper Menu.
This setting is ideal when multiple users are connected to the printer in a network environ-
ment. You can assign each user or department a specific bin, reducing the confusion that 
can occur when multiple users are retrieving the jobs they sent from their workstations. 
Using MarkVision, you can even assign user-defined names for each bin. For example, 
you could assign user’s initials or department numbers to specific bins. For more informa-
tion on using MarkVision, refer to the 
Drivers, MarkVision and Utilities CD.
Note: If you assign multiple bins the same user-defined name, they are effectively 
linked and only appear once as a value for the Custom Types menu item in 
the Paper Menu.
Link setting
When you set Configure Bins to Link, all output bins are linked together, effectively creat-
ing one large output bin. For example, if you send a large job to the printer, the job goes to 
the first linked bin. When that bin is full, the printer redirects the job to the next linked bin, 
and so on. The printer does not prompt you to remove paper until all linked bins are full. 
Note: If Configure Bins is set to Link and you try to send a job to a specific bin, the 
printer ignores the request and continues to send it to the output bin 
designated as the current linked bin.