Eagle sport Guia Do Utilizador

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that you wish to store your present position. In this example, we’re going
to store a position as waypoint number 6.
Now press the down arrow key until the black box
is on the “NEXT PAGE” label. Press the right arrow
key. The screen shown at right appears. This is the
second waypoint menu page.
The “Save Position As” label is highlighted at the
top of the list on this page. When you’re at the lo-
cation you wish to save, press the right arrow key.
This saves your present position under the way-
point number you selected on the first page.
Saving Cursor Position as a Waypoint
(Select Number Method)
To save the cursor position under a specific waypoint number, first posi-
tion the cursor at the desired position. Then follow the previous instruc-
tions for saving your present position as a waypoint using the select num-
ber method. Remember, the method of saving your present position and
the cursor’s position is identical.
Edit Lat/Lon
The AccuMap Sport lets you enter any latitude/
longitude using the keyboard and save it under any
waypoint number, from 1 to 250. You can also
change any waypoint’s position using this method.
To do this, first select the waypoint number.  When
you select the USER WPTs menu, the AccuMap
Sport places you at the last-used waypoint num-
ber. If you want to save the location under a differ-
ent waypoint number, press the down arrow key
until the black box is on the “WPT #” label. Now press the left or right
arrow keys until the desired waypoint number appears. In this example,
we moved it to waypoint number twelve.
When the desired waypoint number is showing,
press the down arrow key to move the black box to
the “EDIT LAT/LON” label, then press the right ar-
row key. The screen shown at right appears. To en-
ter the latitude, simply move the black box using
the right and left arrow keys, then press the up or
down arrow keys until the desired number appears.
If you make a mistake, simply move the black box