Aethra d2061 Guia Do Utilizador

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Start the test. 
In order to obtain correct data, the remote device must be 
enabled for managing the OAM maintenance cells. 
The test results displayed are the following: 
Ping status 
Round Trip Delay 
Errors (missed cell, time) 
If the ADSL connection is down, first of all the D2061 tries to make up the link 
with the ATU-C. 
If it’s not possible to open the ADSL connection, the ATM PING 
test fails. 
3.5. ATM Generate Traffic 
Through the test ATM GENERATE TRAFFIC, the device can simulate several 
ATM traffic conditions in order to check the behaviour of the line as the traffic 
conditions change. This kind of  test is more exhaustive instead the simple ATM 
D2061 is able to generate different types of traffic such as OAM F4 and F5 
maintenance cells both End-to-End and Segment, but also predefined packets 
already encapsulated at AAL5 level. 
In order to perform this test the ADSL tester must be equipped by 
the ATM2061 option. 
Open the TEST MENU. 
Select ADSL Access, ATU-R mode.