Lexmark e230 Guia De Referência

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Backward compatibility: 
With the appropriate printer driver installed and selected, your software program 
enumerates and selects the available PostScript fonts.
Supplemental Operators
This section explains PostScript emulation supplemental operators in detail. These 
supplemental operators are extensions to the standard PostScript language. For each 
supplemental operator, the exact syntax is listed, as well as the values returned on the 
stack and possible error messages.
Tips for PostScript emulation command extensions:
Set operators are effective until the end of a job. At the end of a job, these 
values return to their default values.
Setdefault operators do not become effective until the end of a job. However, 
the value may be queried immediately.
Unless otherwise noted, all of these operators are located in the statusdict 
In userdict, #copies is initialized at the beginning of each job to the number 
of copies selected either by PJL or from the printer operator panel.
To determine which operators your printer supports, see Table C-1 on page C-1.
Command Format
The PostScript emulation supplemental operators are described in this chapter in the 
following format:
statusdict begin PS2fonts end
(temporary, changes the PostScript job only)
<</UseOldfonts true>> setsystemparams
(permanent, changes the default in NVRAM)