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Every Wonder confers a specific benefit on the civilization that owns it (you can find
the specifics in the Civilopedia listing for each Wonder). If a Great Wonder is captured
(along with the city it’s in), its benefits go to the new owner. Small Wonders in a city
are always destroyed when the city is captured.
If a Wonder of the World is destroyed by the decimation of the city in which it stood, it can never
be rebuilt. 
Its benefits are lost to the world forever. Further, some of the glories of cer-
tain Wonders dim over time. Objects and accomplishments that awed the ancients lose
their luster for people of the modern age. The achievement of later advances can negate the
benefits of older Wonders
.The cultural benefits of a Wonder continue to accrue unless the
Wonder is destroyed.
Building Wonders
You can build a Great Wonder only if you have discovered the advance that makes it
possible—and if it doesn’t already exist somewhere else in the world.Wonders can be
built in any city, and you can build more than one in the same city.
If you are building a Great Wonder in one of your cities and the same Wonder is com-
pleted elsewhere before you finish, you must convert your production to something else.
Any excess shields are lost, so be careful what you choose.
Wonders are often long-term projects, as befits their magnificence. If you want to com-
plete construction of a Wonder faster than the city that is building it can generate shields,
you have only one option: use a leader.There is no other method of hurrying a Won-
der project.
Destroying Wonders
Great Wonders are not destroyed when an enemy captures the city in which they exist.
However,if a city possessing one is razed, that Wonder is lost forever and cannot be rebuilt.
The Benefits of Wonders
Each Wonder has both specific and general benefits.You can read about the specific ben-
efits in the appropriate Civilopedia entry or in the charts that follow.The glory—and