games-pc sid s meiers-civilization iii Manual Do Utilizador

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in negotiations or in return for offenses rendered by ill-placed troops, or it can start with
a sudden sneak attack. Civilizations at war with yours might drag their neighbors into
the conflict, too, by activating mutual protection pacts or forming military alliances
against you.
Once you are at war with another civilization, that ruler considers you a hated enemy
unless and until you manage to negotiate a peace treaty.You must make peace separately
with each opponent (even those allied with a civilization with whom you have already
negotiated peace). If, for instance, the Romans and the Greeks were allies in a war against
you, you must negotiate one agreement to end hostilities with the Greeks and a sepa-
rate one to placate the Romans.
Trade Agreements
If you want to set up ongoing commerce with another civilization, you must do it
explicitly during negotiations. If your capital cities are connected (as described under
“Your Trade  Network” in  Chapter 12: Managing Your Empire), you and the other
leaders can trade strategic resources—a great way to get access to a resource you don’t
have in your territory.You can also set up a trade in luxuries for a temporary boost 
in your citizens’ happiness. All trade agreements last 20 turns before coming up for
review (unless war cuts them off).
To begin negotiations with another ruler, you must first make contact with that civi-
lization.You make first contact whenever one of your units crosses paths with one of
theirs.You can also trade with leaders you have already met to gain communications
with those you haven’t if the leader you’re bargaining with has made contact with them
(see “Making a Proposal” below for the details). After communications are set up,
they’re never lost.You can contact the leader in a few ways:
Right-click any one of the leader’s units, then select the Contact (unit) option.
Open the Foreign Advisor’s screen and double-click the portrait of the leader you
want to contact.
Press [Shift]-[D].
Click on the Diplomacy button in the Unit Info box.