games-pc sid s meiers-civilization iii Manual Do Utilizador

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that produced it is reduced by one for Workers and by two for Settlers, representing the
emigration of these pioneers.
Founding and Adding to Cities
To found a new city, move a Settler to the desired location and click the Build order or
press [B].The unit disappears, as the people it represents become the first population
point of the new city.
The same order can be used to increase the size of an existing city. Move a Settler or a
Worker into an existing city and click the Join City order (or press [B]). The unit is
absorbed into the city.A Worker adds one point to the population; a Settler adds two.
Making Improvements
Workers can make a number of agricultural and industrial improvements to your civ-
ilization’s topography. Each task takes a number of turns to complete, depending on the
terrain being improved. Some improvements can only be undertaken after your civi-
lization has acquired certain technologies. Workers are also the only units that can
improve terrain.
Teamwork makes these units work faster.You can combine Workers to accomplish tasks
more rapidly. For example, two Workers work twice as rapidly as one, and three can
accomplish a task in one-third the standard time.
There is no limit to the number of times your Workers can build new improvements
on any given terrain square. If the changing needs of your civilization demand clear-
ing, irrigation, reforestation, clearing, pollution cleanup (detoxification), and reforesta-
tion in succession, the land can take it. If the order button you want doesn’t appear in
the usual place, it’s because the task cannot be accomplished on that square at this time.
Perhaps undertaking another improvement will make the desired option available in the
future. For instance, a Jungle square cannot be irrigated.You’ll need to convert it to a
Plains square first, then you can irrigate.
We’ve included all of the variations in a table that lists the task, the shortcut key, the
required advance (if any), and the terrain types that benefit from this improvement. Full
explanations of each activity appear after the table.