WatchGuard XCS 770R & 2-Y Email Security WG771032 Folheto

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WatchGuard® Technologies, Inc.
Data Loss Prevention  
with WatchGuard® XCS Solutions
This allows you to protect the growing volume 
of private data that traverses your network to 
prevent accidental or malicious data leakage in 
a single solution, without the need for multiple 
point products. 
Data loss prevention and privacy tools give 
you the ability to both secure information as 
needed to maintain policy compliance, as well as 
share authorized sensitive information securely 
with business partners outside the company.
With a WatchGuard XCS appliance, you have an 
automatic, extensive risk management and policy 
enforcement boundary of outbound content.  
This ensures privacy and compliance, but does 
not impede the fl ow of your legitimate electronic 
business communications. 
WatchGuard XCS email security solutions automatically incorporate powerful data loss prevention 
(DLP) capabilities to ensure that the content of outgoing email messages is in strict accord with 
your organization’s confi dentiality and regulatory compliance policies. Adding an XCS Web Security 
subscription (available for all XCS models) extends those capabilities to your web-based traffi  c as well, 
for comprehensive coverage across protocols.   
DLP Wizard guides administrators through DLP confi guration controls quickly and simply, allowing you 
to gain privacy and compliance and defi ne remediation actions with a few simple clicks.
   Centralized policy management provides a single point of administration for creating, managing 
and enforcing content security and data loss policies to eliminate data loss gaps. 
   Pre-defi ned compliance dictionaries streamline the policy-setting process for HIPAA, PCI, 
GLBA and other regulations, and are customizable to conform with your unique business 
requirements and compliance regulations. 
   Custom policies for groups or individuals can be set to control who can send what and to whom 
without impeding critical business processes. Content controls include fl exible and granular tools 
including the ability to set complex rules and even nest rules within one another. 
   Defense-in-depth methodology scans all outbound content (including fi les and attachments) 
and inspects context of the traffi  c (who is sending the data, where or to whom) to determine if 
there is a policy violation.  
   Attachment scanning & control provides the ability to apply existing content scanning policies to 
more than 400 fi le attachment types. Compressed fi le attachments can also be scanned to ensure 
sensitive information does not leave the organization. 
   Applied intelligence learns from previously allowed content to make future decisions more 
accurately and faster.  
   Data discovery and classifi cation tools allow you to protect known confi dential or sensitive data 
fi les, thereby training the system on what to look for and subsequent remediation actions to be 
taken upon discovery of such data. 
               Instant-on remediation actions are instantly applied when policy violations are detected for 
transparent protection, control and visibility of information leaving your organization. Options 
include block, quarantine, allow, encrypt, blind copy, or reroute content. 
   Seamless email encryption, easily added to your solution with a WatchGuard SecureMail Email 
Encryption subscription, allows you to securely transmit and receive private, sensitive, and regulated 
information without hindering the free fl ow of critical business communications. 
   Policy violation alerts and the remediation actions taken are triggered instantly for immediate 
   Granular logs and one-click administration for customizable reports of policy violations 
are easily accessible to meet audit requirements.