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3.4 Ethernet Module Function List
This section shows a list of Ethernet module functions.
(1) Basic functions of the Ethernet module
The Ethernet module can perform the communications shown in the table below 
via TCP/IP or UDP/IP communication.
(2) Additional functions of the Ethernet module
The following table lists the additional functions of the Ethernet module that can 
be used.
(3) Status check of the Ethernet module
Checks that the Ethernet module is working and can communicate normally.
Reference section
Communication using 
MC protocol
Subset of A 
compatible 1E 
Reads/writes PLC data from/to an external device.
Chapter 8, 9
Communication using 
the fixed buffer
Procedure exist Sends/receives arbitrary data between the PLC and the 
external device using the fixed buffer of the Ethernet module.
Chapter 6
No procedure
Chapter 7
Sending e-mail
Sends data via e-mail.
• Sending by the PLC
Chapter 10 
Reference section
Router relay communication (router relay 
Performs data communication via a router or gateway. (The router 
relay function is not a function by which the Ethernet module works as 
a router.)
Section 5.3
Existence check of external device (Existence 
check function)
Checks whether or not the external device is working normally after a 
connection is established (open processing).
Subsection 5.2.2 and 
Section 5.5
Communication via pairing open
Pairs and then opens a reception connection and a transmission 
connection (for fixed buffer).
Section 5.7
MELSOFT connection (GX Developer, etc.) 
Connects MELSOFT products (GX Developer, etc.) via TCP/IP 
communication (through the in-house LAN, etc. ). It is possible to 
connect multiple MELSOFT products at the same time. It is also 
possible to connect multiple MELSOFT products simultaneously.
Section 1.2 (4)
Manual of each 
MELSOFT product
Reference section
Self loopback test
Checks the Ethernet module's sending/receiving function and line 
connection status.
Subsection 4.7.1
Hardware test
Tests the RAM and ROM of the Ethernet module.
Subsection 4.7.2
Communication error storage
When a data communication error occurs, this function stores the 
error information (error log), including the message subheader and 
IP address of the external device for a maximum of 16 pairs in the 
buffer memory.
Chapter 11