Справочник Пользователя для Standard Horizon CP180i

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 Radar Operation Manual
4.2.3 Rain Clutter
Reduces the effects of rain, snow, fog and cloud that can adversely affect displayed targets.
To turn On or Off the Rain Clutter, follow this procedure:
1. Press [MENU]. Move the ShuttlePoint knob to highlight SENSITIVITY and press [ENT].
2. Move the ShuttlePoint knob to highlight RAIN CLUTTER and press [ENT].
3. Move the ShuttlePoint knob to highlight ON or OFF and press [ENT].
Figure 4.2.3 - Rain Clutter
The Rain Clutter can be also controlled by pressing [R
] directly from  the Radar page, after
pressing any Soft Keys.
4.3.0 Orientation
The Radar orientation option allows to choose the display mode, Head Up (HU), North Up
(NU) or Track Up (TU), that refers to the top of the screen as it relates to the direction of the
boat. The Radar direction modes are described in the following table:
Head Up*
The Radar picture is displayed with the vessel’s current heading upwards. As the heading changes
the picture will rotate. It doesn’t require heading information. It is the default value.
North Up
The Radar picture is stabilized and displayed with north upwards. As heading changes, the ship’s
Heading Marker moves. Requires a heading sensor connected to the Chart Plotter.
Track Up
The Radar picture is stabilized and displayed with the currently selected Course Leg upwards. As
heading changes, the ship’s heading marker moves. If you select a new course leg, the picture rotates
to display the new course leg upwards. Requires a heading sensor connected to the Chart Plotter.
To select the preferred Orientation, follow the procedure:
1. Press [MENU]. Move the ShuttlePoint knob to highlight FEATURES and press [ENT].
2. Move the ShuttlePoint knob to highlight ORIENTATION and press [ENT].
3. Move the ShuttlePoint knob to highlight HEAD UP, NORTH UP or TRACK UP and
press [ENT].
4.3.1 EBL & VRM
Electronic Bearing Lines (EBL) and Variable Range Marker (VRM) are used to measure the
range (distance) and the bearing between two points. A standard VRM is displayed by
default as a circle with its center located on your vessel’s position, and EBL is displayed as