Справочник Пользователя для Wiley Professional IIS 7 and ASP.NET Integrated Programming 978-0-470-15253-9

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Integrated Architecture
Internet Information Services 7.0 (IIS 7) is the latest version of Microsoft Web server. IIS 7 has gone
through significant architectural changes since the last version. The most notable change for
ASP.NET developers is the deep integration of the IIS 7 and ASP.NET framework. This provides
both ASP.NET developers and IIS 7 administrators with an integrated programming environment
that allows them to implement features and functionalities that were not possible before. The main
goal of this chapter is twofold. First, it covers the IIS 7 package updates and their constituent fea-
ture modules, discusses five different IIS 7 setup options, and shows you how to use each option
to custom-build your own Web server from these package updates. Second, it provides you with
an overview of the IIS 7 and ASP.NET integrated architecture and its constituent systems, setting
the stage for the next chapters where you’ll dive into the details of this integrated architecture and
programming framework. 
Modular Architecture of IIS 7
The main priority of the Microsoft IIS team for IIS 6.0 was to improve its security, performance,
and reliability. For that reason, modularity and extensibility didn’t make it to the list of top priori-
ties for IIS 6.0. That said, IIS 6.0 introduced a very important notion: selectively disabling IIS 7 fea-
tures such as ISAPI extensions and CGI components. One of the main problems with the earlier
versions of IIS was that all features of IIS had to be installed and enabled. There was no way to dis-
able features that your application scenario did not need.
IIS 6.0 enables only static file serving by default on a clean install of the Web server. In other
words, dynamic features such as ISAPI extensions and CGI components are disabled by default
unless the administrator explicitly enables them. Such customization of the Web server allows 
you to decrease the attack surface of your Web server by giving attackers fewer opportunities for
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