Справочник Пользователя для Wiley Beginning C# 2005 Databases 978-0-470-04406-3

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Database Fundamentals
Before you start to look at accessing databases from C# code, there are a few basics that you need
to know. It is necessary to have a formal definition of what is meant by the term database, and
that’s the first thing you examine in this chapter. Once you have this definition, you look in more
depth at the features that databases (and, more specifically, database management systems) offer,
and see the difference between relational and object-oriented database management systems.
Next, you investigate many of the commonly used database management systems. Finally, you 
are introduced to the language used to manipulate databases, Structured Query Language (SQL).
Along the way you learn the terminology used by databases, see how databases may be repre-
sented graphically, and get your first look at the database management system used in this
book — SQL Server 2005 Express Edition.
If you’ve had any previous experience with databases, you may find that you are already familiar
with much of the material in this chapter. However, this information has been included so you can
avoid any ambiguities and common misconceptions that might cause problems later. Whatever
your level of experience, it is well worth recapping the basics to ensure a strong foundation of
knowledge for later chapters, and this chapter will also serve as a reference for you later on.
Remember, get a firm grasp of the basics and the rest will come easily.
In this chapter, you learn:
What databases are
The terminology used for databases
The features are offered by database management systems
What database management systems are available
How to manipulate data in a database
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