Справочник Пользователя для Wiley Beginning T-SQL with Microsoft SQL Server 2005 and 2008 978-0-470-25703-6

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Introducing T - SQL and Data 
Management Systems          
 This first chapter introduces you to some of the fundamentals of the design and architecture of 
relational databases and presents a brief description of SQL as a language. If you are new to SQL 
and database technologies, this chapter will provide a foundation to help ensure the rest of the 
book is as useful as possible. If you are already comfortable with the concepts of relational 
databases and Microsoft ’ s implementation, you might want to skip ahead to Chapter  2 ,   
“ SQL Server Fundamentals, ”  or Chapter  3 ,  “ SQL Server Tools. ”  Both of these chapters introduce 
the features and tools in SQL Server 2005 and 2008 and discuss how they are used to write T - SQL.  
  T -  SQL  Language 
 I have mentioned to my colleagues and anyone else who might have been listening that one 
day I was going to write a version of Parker Brother ’ s Trivial Pursuit entitled  “ Trivial  Pursuit: 
Geek Edition. ”  This section gives you some background on the T - SQL language and provides the 
information you need to get the orange history wedge on the topic of  “ Database  History ”   in  Trivial 
Pursuit: Geek Edition. 
 T - SQL  is  Microsoft ’ s implementation of a standard established by the American National 
Standards Institute (ANSI) for the Structured Query Language (SQL). SQL was first developed by 
researchers at IBM. They called their first pre - release version of SQL  “ SEQUEL, ”   which  is  a 
pseudo - acronym  for   S tructured   E nglish   QUE ry   L anguage. The first release version was renamed 
to SQL, dropping the English part but retaining the pronunciation to identify it with its 
predecessor. As of the release of SQL Server 2008, several implementations of SQL by different 
stakeholders are in the database marketplace. As you sojourn through the sometimes mystifying 
lands of database technology you will undoubtedly encounter these different varieties of SQL. 
What makes them all similar is the ANSI standard to which IBM, more than any other vendor, 
adheres to with tenacious rigidity. However, what makes the many implementations of SQL 
different are the customized programming objects and extensions to the language that make it 
unique to that particular platform. 
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