Справочник Пользователя для Wiley Building Flash Web Sites For Dummies 978-0-471-79220-8

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Chapter 1
Creating the Perfect Flash Site
In This Chapter
Planning your Flash site
Assembling the site assets
Building the Flash site
Publishing your site
he first page of Chapter 1 is always an exciting place in any book. It’s
where you find out what’s in store for you in the upcoming pages. Or hey,
maybe you’ve already read three chapters and have just decided to restart at
the beginning. (What a novel concept!) Well, you can get away with that when
reading a book, but if you try to create an interface for your Flash site without
first having done your homework, it’s almost like trying to fly without knowing
how to operate an airplane — but not nearly as hazardous to your health.
In this chapter, I show you the steps you go through to create a Flash site. And
like anything else you build, there is a process. Whether you’re creating a Flash
site for your son’s baseball team or for your boss — who plopped an unopened
box on your desk that says “Flash Professional 8” and said, “Build me a Flash
site” — if you don’t approach the process logically, you’re destined to have
more than your share of headaches. Like the self-help gurus say, “Fail to plan,
and you plan to fail.”
Flash versus HTML . . . The Winner Is?
To Flash or not to Flash, that is the question. Whether ’tis nobler to create a
ho-hum HTML Web site or to up the ante with a Flash design with more bells
and whistles than . . . but I digress.
Flash has been around for a long time. In comparison, HTML is almost ancient.
Flash has gone through a rapid growth and development spurt since Flash 4.
HTML is now in version 4.0 and won’t be developed anymore. In fact, HTML 4.0
has been around since 1998, which is practically the Jurassic age in regards to
computers and Internet technology. Savvy designers have come up with all
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