Справочник Пользователя для Wiley Teach Yourself VISUALLY Windows Vista 978-0-470-04573-2

Страница из 12
accounts. See user accounts
activating Windows Vista, 12–13
Add a Favorite dialog box, 220–221
Address bar, Internet Explorer, 208
Administrator account, 141
Appearance and Personalization, 264–265
appointments, Windows Calendar, 258–259
attachments to e-mail messages, Windows Mail, 234–235
automatic updates, setting up, 294–295
AutoPlay dialog box, 18
Back Up Files dialog box, 301
background image, desktop, 266–267
backup files
creating, 300–303
restoring, 304–307
Backup Status and Configuration window, 300, 304–305
backups, Save As command, 51
broadband Internet connection
creating, 196–197
description, 191
broadband modem, connecting to computer, 197
burning CDs, 100–101
burning, 100–101
capacity, 125
CD-Rs, 125
CD-RWs, 127
copying files to, 124–127
copying tracks from, 96–97
files, viewing, 117
installing programs from, 18
playlist creation, 98–99
Windows Media Player and, 92–95
Center option, desktop background, 267
Character Map, 62–63
character pad input to notebook, 178
deleting, 52
special symbols, 62–63
check boxes, dialog boxes, 26
Check Disk dialog box, 293
checking hard drive for errors, 292–293
clicking and dragging mouse, 9
clicking mouse, 8
close button, 23
closing windows, 33
color scheme, changing, 270–271
combo boxes, dialog boxes, 26, 29
command button, dialog boxes, 27
compressed folders
creating, 137
extracting files from, 136–137
Connect to a network dialog box, 192
connecting to Internet, 200
connection charges, ISP, 191
connection speed, Internet, 191
contacts, Windows Mail
adding, 230–231
changing e-mail addresses, 231
selecting, 232–233
Copy Items dialog box, 122
documents, 50–51
files, 122
files to CD or DVD, 124–127
text, 54
tracks from audio CDs, 96–97
current time, displaying, 7
custom installation, typical comparison, 21
Customize Start Menu dialog box, 277
Cut command, 55
defragmenting hard drive, 290–291
Delete File dialog box, 130
characters, 52
files, 130
files, restoring, 131
files, unnecessary, 288–289
folders, 247
user accounts, 152–153
background image, 266–267
description, 7
Go arrow and, 5
icon, 7
theme, 272–273
dialog boxes
Add a Favorite, 220–221
AutoPlay, 18
Back Up Files, 301
check boxes, 26
Check Disk, 293
combo boxes, 26, 29
command button, 27
Connect to a network, 192
Copy Items, 122
Customize Start Menu, 277
Delete File, 130
Disk Cleanup Options, 288
drop-down list boxes, 26, 29
Find, 58–59
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