Справочник Пользователя для Wiley Quicken All-in-One Desk Reference For Dummies 978-0-471-75466-4

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Chapter 1: Earning Income
and Investing
In This Chapter
⻬ Earning income from your job
⻬ Getting income from a job you invented
⻬ Collecting earnings from your savings and investments
anny Price, the protagonist of Jane Austen’s novel Mansfield Park, knew a
thing or two about income: She said, “A large income is the best recipe
for happiness I ever heard of.” The information presented in this chapter may
not guarantee you happiness or a large income, but you figure out the ins and
outs of where income comes from and how to keep track of it all. And that, at
least, is a good first step in a recipe for managing your personal finances.
Making Money at Your Job
Work. We spend our childhood merrily going to school, playing in the yards
of our youth, practicing scales and etudes, pitching balls on sandlots, making
and losing friends, collecting our allowance money, getting tucked in at night,
and doing it all over again, day after endless day. When we’re really little, the
concept of work is limited to something our parents do when we’re not look-
ing. Later, work gets thrown in our face as an empty threat: “Someday you’ll
have to work for a living, and then you’ll understand . . . .”
Then comes the day when the allowance ends, there are no more exams, the
yards all need mowing, the piano keys are dusty, the sandlots have been
turned into parking garages, and our friends have moved on. Seemingly
overnight, that idyllic youth is replaced with the need to go out and earn a
, whatever that is. So we choose a path, master some skills, and get a
job, taking our place in a society of worker-bees. We collect our paychecks,
and do our jobs all over again, day after endless day, with the goal of amass-
ing enough green stuff so we can enjoy our time off, buy things that make us
happy, have a cool place to live, and with luck, have enough left over so we
don’t starve in our old age.
Not only do you have to fund your lifestyle with the money you get from your
job(s), but you have to keep track of it all, make sure there’s enough to pay
the bills, and figure out how to finance the larger expenses in life. It may seem
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