Emerson Process Management 3051N 用户手册

页码 100
Reference Manual
00809-0100-4808, Rev CA
June 2008
Rosemount 3051N
Lower Range Value (LRV)
Lowest value of the measured variable that the analog output of the 
transmitter is currently configured to measure.
The connection of several transmitters to a single communications 
transmission line. Communication between the host and the transmitters 
takes place digitally with the analog output of the transmitters deactivated. 
Note that although the Rosemount 3051N has multi-drop capability, 
which is a HART protocol feature, the Rosemount 3051N is not 
qualified/dedicated for use in multi-drop mode.
Configuration function that changes the transmitter 4 and 20 mA settings. See 
“Rerange” in Section 2 .
Send Data
HART-based communicator command that transfers configuration data from 
the hand-held communicator’s memory to the transmitter memory.
Sensor Trim
Digital Trim function that allows you to adjust the digital process variable 
reading to a precise pressure input. Zero Trim and Full Trim are the two 
Sensor Trim functions. See “Sensor Trim” in Section 2 .
Term used to describe instruments that are microprocessor-based and feature 
advanced communications capabilities. See Section 1: Introduction.
Rosemount pressure, temperature, level, and flow instruments with 
microprocessor-based digital electronics.
Algebraic difference between the upper and lower range values.
Eight-character field for identifying the transmitter. The tag is stored in the 
transmitter and can be changed using the HART Communicator (Rosemount 
275 or Rosemount 375) and the Transmitter Information function.
Transmitter Address
Unique number (1-15) used to identify a multidropped transmitter. 
Transmitters that are not multidropped have 0 as an address. Note that 
although the Rosemount 3051N has multi-drop capability, which is a HART 
Protocol feature, the Rosemount 3051N is not qualified/dedicated for use in 
multi-drop mode.
Transmitter Security
Jumper-selectable feature that prevents accidental or deliberate changes to 
configuration data. See “Transmitter Security” in Section 2 .
Upper Range Limit (URL)
Highest value of the measured variable that the transmitter can be configured 
to measure. 
Upper Range Value 
Highest value of the measured variable that the analog output of the 
transmitter is currently configured to measure. 
Zero Trim
A zero-based, one-point adjustment used in differential pressure applications 
to compensate for mounting position effects or zero shifts caused by static 
pressure. See “Zero Trim” in Section 2 .