Fujitsu 480 用户手册

页码 854
8.2 Configuration Definition Commands
Action: Enter the command string correctly.
• % Invalid input detected at '^' marker.
Cause: Invalid character detected at '^' marker in the entered command string
Action: Enter the command string correctly.
• Internal communication error.
Cause: An internal error occurred.
Action: Check the system status, and reenter the command. If the error occurs again, 
collect unit information, configuration definition information, and the 
information in different types of logs, and restart the unit.  Alternatively, 
contact a certified service engineer.
Rate control function storm-control
This command enables or disables rate control.  The command also sets the threshold 
for rate control.
However, TenGigabitEthernet 1/1 to 1/2 and channel groups cannot be specified.
(1) Synopsis
• Sets the rate control threshold
• Disables rate control settings
(2) Options
z {broadcast | multicast | dlf}
- broadcast: Enables broadcast storm control on a port.
- multicast: Enables multicast storm control on a port.
- dlf: Enables DLF storm control on a port.
z <pps>: Specifies the threshold (pkts/sec).
- Setting range: 1 to 262143
- Default: Disabled
storm-control {broadcast | multicast | dlf} threshold <pps>
no storm-control {broadcast | multicast | dlf} threshold