Fujitsu TX300 用户手册

页码 122
TX300 S6
Options Guide
Before installing/removing processors to/from the server, turn off the 
server, all peripheral devices, and any other connected devices. Also 
unplug all power cords from the power outlet. Failure to do so can 
cause electric shock. 
Do not touch the circuitry on boards and soldered parts. Hold the 
metallic areas or the edge of the circuit boards. 
When adding a processor, be sure to add memory into "DIMM 1D" 
additionally. Refer to 
 for the 
installation of the memory.
When installing the processor, be careful not to bend the pins of the 
processor socket.
Follow the safety instructions in the 
Processors are modules which can react extremely sensitively to 
electrostatic discharges and which must therefore always be handled 
with care. After a processor has been removed from its protective sleeve 
or from its socket, place it with its smooth side down on a non-
conducting, antistatic surface. Never push a processor over a surface.