GenTran 5.1 用户手册

页码 408
Introducing Gentran:Server for Windows
Getting Started
Gentran:Server for Windows – November 2005
Gentran:Server for Windows User’s Guide
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Introducing Gentran:Server for Windows
Gentran:Server for Windows is a combined data translation, process control, and 
communication system that operates within the Microsoft Windows environment. 
This product is primarily designed for the translation and communication of EDI 
and other similar types of data.
Through the process control system, you can integrate Gentran:Server with a wide 
variety of business applications in a manner that makes it a complementary 
extension of the applications, rather than a cumbersome add-on.
The Gentran:Server system consists of several logical components. 
Gentran:Server can be deployed in many ways in this environment through a 
combination of a database, system data store, process controllers, communication 
controllers, and user interface clients.
Mandatory components
Each system must have a primary Gentran system controllersystem data store
and a database.
The database is the relational database that Gentran:Server uses to store system 
data. This database enables multiple users to access the same data. The other 
components of the product interact with this database using ODBC
™ (Open 
Database Connectivity), which allows for many different database management 
systems on the database controller.
See the Getting Support card to determine which database management systems 
have been certified for use with Gentran:Server.
System data store
The system data store serves as the repository of all shared Gentran:Server data. 
The system data store may reside on any machine that is a file server to the 
machines in the Gentran:Server system. There is only one system data store in the 
Gentran:Server system, but the associated folders and files may be distributed 
across multiple machines, if necessary.
The machines where the system data store resides must be accessible by all 
machines in the Gentran:Server system.