IBM 3450 794842X 产品宣传页

页码 2
Compact, powerful compute node for high-performance 
IBM System x3450 
■   Features industry-leading 
technology to deliver maximum 
performance for minimal 
■   Helps manage growth, 
complexity and risk with large 
memory addressability and 
scalable systems 
■   Saves valuable real estate for 
large cluster deployments due 
to its 1U space-saving design 
Organizations need powerful servers 
that can deliver high performance— 
providing only necessary features. The 
IBM System x3450 provides maximum 
performance for a fixed investment, 
enabling organizations to run compute-
intensive applications. 
Innovation drives performance 
The x3450 delivers high performance 
thanks to quad-core and dual-core 
processors with 1600 MHz front-side 
bus to speed I/O and 16 Fully Buffered 
DIMMs for large memory addressability. 
Both allow organizations to run applica­
tions more quickly. 
The x3450 is designed with fewer gen­
eral purpose features and minimal hard­
ware component redundancies. Other 
highlights include: 
16 DIMMs for better system per­
formance ideal for compute-
intensive applications. 
DDR II for power-efficient memory. 
Single non-redundant power supply 
for energy efficiency. 
Save costs by scaling out 
The x3450 provides scalable memory 
solutions to accommodate expansion. 
Building on existing systems, organiza­
tions can plan for future growth while 
protecting their investment. 
Compact design for high efficiency 
The space-saving x3450 design helps 
provide more space for crowded data 
centers without compromising perform­
ance. High performance computing 
has expanded beyond universities and 
research organizations to become 
mainstream. The x3450 delivers the 
costs and performance needed in this 
expanding market.