Legamaster 7-164200 用户手册

页码 205
4 9
Winding up
with topics
Moderation involves the structuring of a group meeting, be it a team meeting,
management workshop or large group. This requires structure and the right
Moderation structure
A business meeting can usually be divided into a “six-step moderation cycle”.
This produces a simple, logical sequence of actions that is easy for all partici-
pants to understand.
1 Getting started
The first thing to do is to inform participants about the purpose of the meeting.
2 Collecting Topics
The point of brainstorming is to identify the topics to be discussed.
3 Selecting
During the third step, you select the order in which the various topics are to be
dealt with.
4 Dealing with topics
The topics are discussed and dealt with in depth during this stage.
5 Actioning
Once the topics have been dealt with, you have to agree who is to action which
topic, by when and to what end.
6 Winding up
At the end of the meeting, participants are asked whether they felt the meeting
was constructive or whether they have any suggestions as to how things could /
should / must be done next time.
“A moderation process will invariably involve the use of Legamaster products!
This is because professional performance can only be achieved with professional
equipment; every professional knows this - from the tradesman to the musician,
from the project leader to the moderator/facilitator!”
Josef W. Seifert, Moderator & Moderation trainer, author of successful books on moderation, 
managing partner of the consultancy and training company MODERATIO®
Plan first, then act!
If you are wondering whether to hold an improvised meeting or prepare for it in
advance, you may find the first option appealing, but the second is better!
The trick of successful business moderation is to approach a moderation exercise
as a mini project, this will involve dividing the overall work process into sensible
chunks (units). 
So at the very least, you should draw up a brief MODERATION plan which sets
out the objective for each of the six moderation steps, and the procedure or
method you will be using to moderate or guide the group during each particular
stage. You can then work consistently with the group using your plan.
Make your meeting 