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Avolites Pearl 2000 Operators Manual - page
   P2000MAN.DOC  19/10/99 17:59
 Select the Fixtures you want to control.
 Hold the stylus down on the appropriate Attribute button. 
The appropriate
Attribute Bank LED will light up
 Do not lift the stylus from the Tablet, but slide it up and down to increase
and decrease the Attribute.
15.5.3 Using the Fader with Attributes
You can use the Fader to set the level of any Attribute, as if it was a Wheel.
 Select the Fixtures to be used.
 Put the stylus onto the Attribute Select button to be accessed
. The Attribute
Bank button on the desk lights up
 Use the Fader bar to set a level by clicking on a particular level, or
dragging the stylus up and down the Fader.
15.5.4 Align Attribute
This allows you to set the same level on a particular Attribute for all selected
Fixtures. The source level is taken from the first selected Fixture. It behaves
in exactly the same way as the Align Attributes function in the Moving Light
menu on the desk.
 Select the Attribute you want to Align using an Attribute Select button.
 Click onto the first Fixture. This will become the Source Fixture.
 Select the Fixtures you wish align with the Source Fixture.
 Click on Align Attribute.
15.6 INSTANT ACCESS control features
Instant Access means that you can control the Attribute without the Attribute
Bank changing. The Instant Access areas on the Tablet are :
The Dimmer button
Instant Access to Intensity.
The Stage Area
Instant Access to Pan and Tilt.
The Colour Control Area
Instant Access to Colour Wheel and 
Colour Mix Attributes.
Changes are put into the Programmer.
15.6.1 The Tablet DIMMER button
The Dimmer button gives Instant Access to the Dimmer channel of a
 Select the Fixture.
 Click on the Dimmer button over the Fader.
Click or drag the stylus on the Fader to set the Dimmer level.
15.6.2 Absolute and Nudge
The Stage and Colour areas of the Tablet have two modes.