avolites pearl expert titan 用户手册

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Copyright Avolites Limited 2010
Page 140 – 13. Networking
PearlExpertTitan_Man_v3.doc  29/03/2010 13:28:00 
AvoTalk is designed to work alongside other lighting protocols such as 
eDMX or ArtNet. Once a network connection is established AvoTalk 
will detect any compatible devices and start talking.  
13.6.1  Example AvoTalk setup 
We will look at setting up a Green Hippo Hippotizer with the Pearl 
using a combination of AvoTalk and ArtNet. 
You will need the following: 
Pearl Expert Titan with Software Version 1.5 (or greater)  
Green Hippo Hippotizer  
AvoTalk Hippo Plugin  
Crossover cable 
1>  Turn on the Pearl and the Hippotizer. For this example we  
assume you have performed a wipeall on the Pearl. 
2>  Connect the Pearl and the Hippotizer together using the 
crossover cable. Note that there may be a cable already 
connected to the network port on the Hippotizer that comes 
from within the unit. This is connected to the DMX box on the 
front, and can be disconnected. 
3>  Set up the Pearl for ArtNet.  
For more information on the 
DMX Modules, see Chapter 3 on DMX outputs. 
At the moment you don't need to add any nodes, so click OK to 
close the Setup DMX Outputs window. 
4>  Install the AvoTalk Hippo Plugin on the Hippotizer, but don't run 
it just yet. The Hippotizer software should not yet be running 
5>  Using the Stage Settings application, set up the Hippotizer to 
run in the preferred mode (please refer to the Hippotizer 
manual for further information).  
6>  Run the Hippo Plugin on the Hippotizer. Click on "Set network 
adapter" and set the adapter, then click on "Detect Hippotizer 
Layers". The plugin will now look for all of the media files and 
setup of the Hippotizer. Please note that this may take some 
time, depending on the number of clips that are available. If 
you receive the message "No Hippotizer available" ensure that 
the Hippotizer is enabled. 
7>  On the Pearl, go to Patch / Active fixture and select "Hippo 
(Ser.No.)". In this case the Active Device is called Hippo 15. If 
there are no active devices found, try exiting the menu and 
waiting for a few moments before trying again (there can be a 
short delay while the media clips are examined by the plugin). 
8>  On the Pearl, enter a DMX address and press a swop button to 
patch the Hippotizer. The required number of fixtures will be 
patched to consecutive handles, and the Hippotizer DMX 
address will be assigned to the one entered on the Pearl. 
9>   Now run the Stage application on the Hippotizer. DO NOT 
10>  Finally, on the Pearl, go to Setup DMX Outputs and you will see 
the Hippotizer appear as a Node. Add this to the required DMX 
line. Again, there may be a slight delay before the Hippotizer