Barco K9305036 产品宣传页

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PCIe display controller for triple-head diagnostic imaging
The  MXRT-5400  is  a  high-performance  PCIe  display  controller  featuring  the  latest  AMD
FireProTM  3D  technology  for  leading-edge  performance,  flexibility  and  reliability.  The
board supports DirectX and OpenGL and is compatible with Microsoft Windows® 7.
One board, three monitors
The high-performance MXRT-5400 allows you to drive three monitors with just one PCIe
slot.  As  such,  the  board  is  the  perfect  match  for  PACS  workstations  combining  two
diagnostic displays (or one seamless 'Fusion' display) with a third monitor for patient lists
or 3D viewing applications. This ‘all-in-one’ approach saves space on the PC; it simplifies
the installation; and it significantly reduces power consumption.
Ultra-fast data transfers
The  MXRT-5400  display  controller  is  compatible  with  the  DisplayPort  interface  standard,
which assures easy installation and ultra-fast and reliable data transfers.