Prima Games World in Conflict, EN 0761557903 用户手册

页码 15
Weapons of War
Weapons of War
Once a projectile hits a unit, the actual damage done is calculated with the following formula. "Damage" and 
"armor piercing" are per-unit attacker variables; "armor" is a target variable.
if <
< 0.2 the deflect
 0.2 the deflect
if >
> 1.0 then clamp to 1.0
 1.0 then clamp to 1.0
= Damage dealt
- (Random 0 to 0.2)
Armor Piercing
If the armor piercing/armor ratio is less than 
0.2, the projectile simply cannot penetrate the 
armor and no damage is done.
If the projectile does penetrate the armor, a 
random value between 0 and 0.2 is subtracted 
from the armor piercing/armor ratio. This 
introduces a small random element, the 
effect of which is most pronounced when the 
projectile barely penetrates the target. If the 
armor-piercing value is much larger than the 
armor value, this random element will have no 
effect; if the projectile just barely penetrates, 
occasionally no damage at all will be dealt.
Armor combines fi repower with mobility. These 
vehicles are protected from small-arms fi re by their 
armor and can cause a lot of damage to other units, 
including enemy armor. Because of this, tanks are 
great for spearheading an attack as well as for 
defending a position. The other members of the 
armor category, the transports, are also protected 
by armor and armed with weapons that complement 
the tanks’ main guns. An armored force with both 
tanks and transports can engage any type of enemy 
on the battlefi eld.
If the ratio is larger than 1 even after the 
random subtraction, full damage is dealt. The 
maximum damage dealt cannot be larger than 
the unit’s scripted damage value.
Armor units can run over and kill infantry units. For armor 
players, the Force Move key (
N] is most valuable when 
attempting to run over infantry in the open.
Armor units can run over and 
players the Force Move key (
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