Toshiba Strata CIX 开发者指南

页码 248
Advanced Integrations and Applications
AMIS Networking
Strata CIX Voice Mail Programming    01/07
3. Audibly transmits the message.
The remote system (node 33) receives the message and stores it in User Agent 200.
An exception occurs if the 33200 destination address also exists on the local voice mail system. The 
user must follow the node number with “*” (e.g., 33*200) when entering the destination. This flags 
the message as an AMIS message and the voice mail system delivers the message to Gateway User 
Agent 33 at Los Angeles instead of Dallas mailbox 33200.
Figure 10-25 AMIS GatewayScreens
Proxy User Agents
The Proxy User Agent represents a specific User Agent on a remote node and resides on the local 
voice mail system. A voice mail user addresses a message to a Proxy User Agent in the same 
manner as he/she would a local user. Once the message is addressed and sent, the Proxy User Agent 
initiates the AMIS transfer. This gives the appearance to the local user that the remote user is part 
of the local system.
For example, assume 2300 is an address on a voice mail system in Dallas. The same number also 
resides as a Proxy User Agent on the local voice mail. When messages are left for Proxy address 
2300 on voice mail, the system uses the information stored there to contact the Dallas voice mail 
system, provides some handshake signals requesting address 2300, then audibly transmits the 
message. The Dallas voice mail system would receive the message and store it in address 2300. 
It is not necessary for the remote address to match the Proxy User Agent number in 
voice mail.