Pantech GF200 Benutzerhandbuch

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Add My Topic: Adds My Topic.
Press the [Option] Soft key [        ] to: 
Insert: Inserts a topic.
Delete: Deletes a topic from the list.
Edit: Edits a topic.
Select ‘Menu>1.Messages>3.Broadcast>4.Language’ and 
press the [       ] key.
Choose one of All, English, Chinese, or Deutsch.
Voice Mail
Select ‘Menu>1.Messages>4.Voice Mail’ and press the 
[       ] key.
Use this function to access to voice mailbox provided by the 
network service provider.
Call: Call the predefined voice mail system to check a voice mail
Voice Mail Number: Input the voice mail receiver number manually
Roaming Mail Number: Input the Roaming Mail Number manually.
This is only available if your network provider 
supports Roaming mail number service.
Select ‘Menu>1.Messages>3.Broadcast’ and press the
[       ] or [3] key.
This function depends on your network service provider. 
Please ask them for detailed information. You can receive 
information messages offered by your network service 
provider. Use this function to select the information message 
topic you want to receive from them.
Select ‘Menu>1. Messages>3.Broadcast>1.Receive’ and 
press the [       ] key.
Press the [       /       ] key to set whether the message will be 
received or not.
Read Message
Select ‘Menu >1. Messages>3.Broadcast>2. Read 
Message’ and press the [       ] key.
You can read a received message.
Topic List
Select ‘Menu>1.Messages>3.Broadcast>3.Topic List’ and 
press the [       ] key.
Current Topic: Displays the Current Topic list. 
Insert: Inserts a topic
Delete: Deletes a topic from the list.
You cannot delete or edit a predefined topic. You can edit or delete 
My Topic only.
The language varies by the region.
GF-200-독일(영문)10-11  2004.10.14 1:53 PM  페이지82