Apple MD717LL/A Benutzerhandbuch

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Appendix A    
Rotate iPod touch
Flip the Mute switch
Press the volume buttons
Hold down the Home button to open Siri
Triple-click the Home button
Shake iPod touch
Press Home and Sleep/Wake buttons simultaneously to take a screenshot
Item scanning
Item scanning alternately highlights each item or group of items on the screen until you trigger 
your Select Item switch to select the highlighted item. When you select a group, highlighting 
continues with the items in the group. Scanning stops and a menu of actions appears when 
you select a unique item. Item scanning is the default when you first turn on Switch Control. By 
default, Switch Control moves from item to item at a regular interval, but you can set up switches 
to move to the next or previous item on demand.
Select an item or enter a group. Watch (or listen) as items are highlighted. When the item you 
want to control (or the group containing the item) is highlighted, trigger your Select Item switch. 
Work your way down in the hierarchy of items until you select the individual item you want 
to control.
Back out of a group. Act on your switch when the dashed highlight around the group or 
item appears.
Tap the selected item. Choose Tap from the control menu that appears when you select the 
item. Or, if you have Auto Tap enabled, just do nothing for three-quarters of a second.
Perform another action. Select any item, then select the action from the menu that appears. If 
you have Auto Tap turned on, act on your switch within three quarters of a second of selecting 
an item in order to display a menu of available gestures.
Point scanning
Point scanning lets you select an item on the screen by pinpointing it with scanning crosshairs.
Turn on point scanning. Use item scanning to select Settings from the menu, then select Item 
Mode to toggle it to Point Mode. The vertical crosshair appears when you close the menu.
Return to item scanning. Select Settings from the control menu, then select Point Mode to 
toggle it to Item Mode.
Settings and adjustments
Adjust basic settings. Go to Settings > General > Accessibility > Switch Control, where you can:
Add switches
Turn off auto scanning (if you’ve added a “Move to Next Item” switch)
Adjust the scanning interval
Set scanning to pause on the first item in a group
Choose how many times to cycle through the screen before hiding Switch Control
Turn Auto Tap on or off and set the interval for performing a second switch action to show the 
control menu
Set whether a movement action is repeated when you hold down a switch, and how long to 
wait before repeating