Bose 4400 Benutzerhandbuch

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1.0 FreeSpace
 4400 Introduction
1.1 The Bose
Business Music System
The FreeSpace
 4400 system is an integrated four-channel digital 
signal processor and 400-watt power amplifier for 70/100V busi-
ness music applications. 
The FreeSpace 4400 system has a total of four source inputs, 
including two Line In, one Mic/Line and one Page/Mic/Line, to 
provide the inputs needed for most business music installations. 
The system also has a direct input which can override the 
sources playing on all four output channels.
The FreeSpace 4400 system has four amplifier output channels 
which can be configured for different zones. A Music on Hold out-
put is also provided for simple integration into a phone system.
In a single chassis, it provides all of the processing and control 
features required for one-to-four zone business music applica-
tions. These features include:
• Auto Volume: When used with the optional FreeSpace system 
Auto Volume Sense Mic, FreeSpace 4400 system electronics 
dynamically control the program level in each zone so your cus-
tomers can always hear it, regardless of the background noise.
• Scheduling: Allows you to program the FreeSpace 4400 sys-
tem electronics for automated on/off control, source changes, 
and volume changes according to time of day or day of week.
• Multi-Zone Paging: Allows you to initiate a page from a single 
keypad to one or more of the zones being powered by the 
same FreeSpace 4400 system.
• Opti-voice
 Paging: Provides a smooth transition between 
music and page signals.
• Opti-source
 Input Leveling: Monitors the input level of up to 
four sources and continually makes adjustments to maintain a 
consistent volume level between different sources.
• Dynamic Equalization: Maintains tonal balance at all listening 
• Room Equalization: Provides easy adjustment of tonal bal-
ance in each zone.
• Signal Routing: Meets the demands of most four-zone sys-
tems, allowing for an input source to be routed to any of the 
four amplifier outputs.
• Serial Data Interface: RS-232 serial port for easy interfacing 
to your PC
• Remote On/Off Input: Accepts a remote STANDBY switch
The integrated 400-watt power amplifier features a patented 
power-sharing technology which dynamically allocates power to 
each output.
For example, if you have a two-zone system that requires 5 watts 
in Zone 1 and 395 watts in Zone 2, the FreeSpace 4400 system 
electronics distributes the power based on those needs.
The FreeSpace 4400 system also includes an easy-to-replace 
memory module, which holds the system configuration settings 
and design file uploaded by the FreeSpace 4400 Installer™ 
software (see page 3).
1.2 FreeSpace 4400 system accessories
Optional Bose accessories for the FreeSpace 4400 system are 
• FreeSpace 4400 System AVM 1-Zone User Interface 
A wall-mountable keypad that fits into a stan-
dard double-gang junction box. It provides buttons for volume 
up/down control, 1-3 source selection, and mute or Auto Vol-
ume on/off controls for a single zone.
• FreeSpace 4400 System AVM 2-Zone User Interface 
A wall-mountable keypad that fits into a stan-
dard double-gang junction box. It provides buttons for volume 
up/down control, 1-3 source selection, and mute or Auto Vol-
ume on/off controls for two zones.
• FreeSpace 4400 System Auto Volume Mic Kit (U.S.) 
One sensing microphone that can be mounted 
as is or in a standard U.S. single-gang junction box.
• FreeSpace 4400 System Auto Volume Mic Kit (Euro) 
(PC042355)  One sensing microphone that can be mounted 
as is or in a standard Euro single-gang junction box.
• FreeSpace 4400 System Page User Interface 
A wall-mountable keypad that fits into a stan-
dard double-gang junction box. It provides buttons for 1-4 
page zone selection, all page zones selection and initiate page.