Fujifilm 16301535-4-KIT Benutzerhandbuch

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Taking Pictures in 
M (Scene Recognition) Mode
Smoothly press the shutter button 
the rest of the way down to take 
the picture.
2  Tip: The Shutter Button
The shutter button has two positions.  Pressing the 
shutter button halfway (q) sets focus and exposure; 
to shoot, press the shutter button the rest of the way 
down (w).
Press halfway
Press the rest of 
the way down
1 Note
If the subject is poorly lit, the AF-assist illuminator may 
light to assist focus (
P 35).  For information on using 
the flash when lighting is poor, see page 37.
 The Indicator Lamp
Indicator lamp
The indicator lamp shows camera status as follows:
Indicator lamp
Indicator lamp
Camera status
Camera status
Glows green Focus locked.
Blinks green
Blur, focus, or exposure warning.  Pic-
ture can be taken.
Blinks green 
and orange
Recording pictures.  Additional pic-
tures can be taken.
Recording pictures.  No additional pic-
tures can be taken at this time.
Blinks orange
Flash charging; flash will not fire when 
picture is taken.
Blinks red
Lens or memory error (memory card 
full  or  not  formatted,  format  error,  or 
other memory error).
2 Tip: Warnings
Detailed warnings appear in the display.  See pages 
112–115 for more information.