Magellan MG-6060 Benutzerhandbuch

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Reference & Installation Manual
Delay Between Dialing Attempts
Section [076]: 001 to 255 seconds; 000 = disabled; Default = 20 
This delay determines the amount of time the Magellan console 
will wait between each dialing attempt. 
Alternate Dial Option
Section [098]: Option [5]
Option [5] OFF = Alternate Dial Disabled (default)
Option [5] ON =
Alternate Dial Enabled
With option [5] OFF, the Magellan console will dial the 
programmed backup telephone number CSTN 2 (See CSTN 2 
as Backup Number on page 26) only after all attempts to call one 
CSTN have failed. With option [5] ON, the console will dial the 
backup telephone number after every failed attempt.
Force Dial Option
Section [098]: Option [6]
Option [6] OFF = Force Dial Disabled (default)
Option [6] ON =
Force Dial Enabled
When option [6] is enabled, the Magellan console will dial a 
telephone number even if no dial tone is present after 3 seconds. 
Dialing Method
Section [098]: Option [7]
Option [7] OFF = Pulse Dialing 
Option [7] ON =
Tone / DTMF Dialing (default)
When option [4] is ON, the Magellan console is set for Tone/
DTMF dialing. When option [4] is OFF, the console is set for 
pulse dialing. Refer to Pulse Ratio on page 28 for information on 
setting the pulse ratio.
Pulse Ratio
Section [098]: Option [8]
Option [8] OFF = European Pulse Ratio of 1:2 
Option [8] ON =
U.S.A. Pulse Ratio of 1:1.5 (default)
When using Pulse dialing, you can select one of two Pulse 
Ratios. Although most European countries use the 1:2 pulse 
ratio, the 1:1.5 ratio may provide better results in some cases. 
The same applies for North American countries. If the 1:1.5 
pulse ratio is not providing the desired results, the 1:2 ratio may 
be used.
Switch to Pulse Dialing on 5
Section [098]: Option [3]
Option [3] OFF = Switch to pulse dialing on fifth attempt disabled 
Option [3] ON =
Switch to pulse dialing on fifth attempt enabled
When section [098] option [3] is ON, the Magellan console 
switches from tone/DTMF dialing to pulse dialing on the fifth 
attempt to report events to the Central Monitoring Station. The 
console continues to use pulse dialing until it establishes 
communication. When the console switches to another CSTN, it 
returns to tone/DTMF dialing and will once again switch to pulse 
dialing on the fifth attempt.
Telephone Line Monitoring (TLM)
Section [098]: Options [1] and [2]
When enabled, the system verifies the existence of a telephone 
line once every second. A line test failure occurs when the TLM 
detects less than 3 volts for the period defined by the TLM Fail 
Timer (page 28). If the line test fails, the Magellan console 
generates one or more conditions as defined by the TLM settings 
below. These will be restored when the console detects the 
telephone line again. 
Table 10: Telephone Line Monitoring Options
Please note that when the dialer detects an incoming call, the 
TLM test will stop for 1 minute.
TLM Fail Timer
Section [073]: 001 to 255 seconds; 000 = Disabled; Default = 32 
If TLM does not detect the existence of a telephone line for the 
duration of this period, the control panel will generate the 
condition(s) defined by the TLM options (see Telephone Line 
Monitoring (TLM) on page 28).
Recent Close Delay
Section [066]: 001 to 255 seconds; 000 = Disabled; 
Default = Disabled
If after having armed the system, an alarm is generated within 
the period defined by the Recent Close Delay, the Magellan 
console will attempt to transmit the Recent Close report code 
programmed in section [139] (page 24). 
TLM disabled (default)
Trouble only: Upon a line test failure, a TLM trouble 
will appear in the console’s Trouble Display
Alarm if System Armed: Upon a line test failure, a 
TLM trouble will appear in the console’s Trouble 
Display and if the system is armed, the console will 
generate an alarm.
Silent Alarm becomes Audible: Upon a line test 
failure, a TLM trouble will appear in the console’s 
Trouble Display and causes a silent zone or silent 
panic alarm to switch to audible.