York YPAL 051 Benutzerhandbuch

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FORM 100.50-NOM6 (1207)
DWDI Airfoil fans  High effi ciency fans are 
used to im prove ap pli ca tion  fl exibility, and ad-
dress  sound  and  ap pli ca tion  con cerns. 
Building pressure control  Ex haust fans and 
barometric relief dampers are available to meet 
building pressure control requirements. Select 
the most appropriate option for a given ap pli -
ca tion.
Low sound options  Allow for application of 
the eco2 unit in sound-sensitive applications 
such as the aters and downtown areas.  Contact 
JOHNSON CONTROLS for more details on 
site-specifi c requirements.
Variable Frequency Drives – When a VAV unit 
is or dered, the eco2 comes standard with vari able 
fre quen cy  drives  (VFD’s).  The  VFD  can  optimize 
a sys tems performance by modulating the sup ply 
fan motor speed to reduce energy con sump tion 
by as much as 40% while maximizing oc cu pant 
Fan Spring Isolation – Two-inch spring iso la tion 
is used to prevent vibration transmission from the 
roof top unit’s supply fan to the building.
Rooftop Controller - The unit is designed to 
use the Simplicity Elite control.  This control 
has been used with the 25 to 40 ton Millennium 
product for many years. The control is designed 
to operate with conventional room control input.  
This allows the same control to be used on instal-
lations requiring 25 to 60 tons of cooling.
   The board is equipped with four program but-
tons and two character displays for use by the 
technician. They allow for access to the most 
important board functions, current operating 
data, and current alarms as well as the last fi ve 
alarms in the history memory buffer. The buttons 
and displays are also used to program the control 
with the correct confi guration and set points.
The control can also be connected to a computer 
for greater access to programming and operating 
Communication -The controller is designed 
to communicate using Modbus RTU protocol. 
Through the addition of a ModLINC translator, 
the unit can also communicate using BACnet 
MS/TP protocol.
Double Sloped Stainless Steel Drain Pan – The 
’s standard Stainless Steel drain pan meets 
ASHRAE 62 requirements for condensate drain-
 age to improve indoor air quality. Solid wall liners 
encase insulation and prevent moisture dam age. 
Additional benefi ts include easy cleanability and 
isolates insulation from conditioned airstream.
Double Wall Construction – Is the standard 
con struc tion  of  the  eco
 and incorporates powder 
coat ed pre-fabricated outer panels and corner post 
for max i mum exterior surface protection.