Crown Boiler 24-09 Benutzerhandbuch

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Before installation of the boiler is
considered complete, the operation of the
boiler controls should be checked,
particularly the low water cutoff and the
high limit control.
All controls must be checked prior to putting the boiler 
in service.
  Raise and lower operating control setting as required 
to start and stop burner.
  Jumper Operating Control Terminals.  Allow burner 
to operate until shutdown by limit.  Installation is 
not considered complete until this check has been 
3.  CHECK LOW WATER CUTOFF control with water 
level at normal water line (see Figure 1).  Raise 
operating control setting to allow burner to operate.  
Open boiler drain to allow water level to drop to 
bottom of sight glass until burner operation is shut 
down by low water cutoff.
  Close boiler drain and refill to normal water line.  
Burner should automatically restart during fill.  
both the boiler circulator and the diverting valve 
during periods of dormant activity provided power 
is supplied to the control.
diverting valve is used to control the temperature of 
the water returning to the boiler. Proper operation 
is required to protect the boiler from thermal shock 
and sustained condensate production.  Confirm the 
operation of the valve as shown above.  See Figures 39a 
and 39b.
aquastat, L4006A, can be found on the front of the 
boiler, to the right of the temperature/pressure gauge.  
The operating aquastat should be set to the designed 
supply temperature, typically 180ºF.  The operating 
aquastat set point, the RTC MIX TARGET or the RTC 
MIX DESGN, should be set to the same value for 
20°F ∆T applications.  In 40°F ∆T applications, the 
operating aquastat (L4006A) must be set 20°F higher 
than the MIX TARGET and MIX DESIGN .  Under 
no circumstances should the operating aquastat be set 
below 135ºF plus (+) the designed boiler temperature 
drop, ∆T (ºF).  
  Example: if the flow rate through the boiler 
corresponds to a 20ºF ∆T design, the operating 
aquastat cannot be set lower than 135 + 20 = 155ºF.  
In reality, most systems are designed for a 180ºF supply 
water and 160ºF return water.  The accuracy of the 
operating aquastat is less than the RTC accuracy, often 
requiring the operating aquastat temperature to be 
bumped upward a few degrees.
high limit aquastat, L4006E, can be found on the front 
of the boiler, to the left of the temperature/pressure 
gauge.  The high limit aquastat can be identified with a 
red manual reset button.  Ideally, the high limit aquastat 
should be set 10 -15°F above the RTC MIX MAX 
setting, when the outdoor reset feature is selected.  
Typically, this is set between 200ºF and 220ºF.  The 
temperature must be set below the lowest permissible 
temperature for any system related component affected 
by boiler supply water.  Under no circumstances can the 
high limit aquastat be set higher than 250ºF.
controls are used to modulate burner firing rates.  
No attempt will be made to cover every possibility, 
however a general outline will be given.  
Most modulation controls require the entry of a 
boiler temperature identifying boiler operation at the 
maximum firing rate.  A boiler operating temperature 
below that will also generate a full firing rate.  When a 
boiler heat demand is generated the unit will initiate at 
either a low or high fire rate and quickly ramp up to the 
high fire rate.  The unit will continue to fire at the high 
fire rate until the boiler high fire modulating limit is 
Many modulation controls require the entry of a burner 
off or low fire setting.  The burner will modulate 
between the high fire and low fire rate based on the 
absolute boiler temperature as well as the rate of change 
in boiler temperature.
If using a T991 Proportional Control or a similar 
modulating device in a traditional hydronic system, 
the minimum setting shall be the sum of the designed 
heating system return temperature + boiler ∆T + 10°F.
  Example:  System Supply   180°F
     System Return     160°F
     System ∆T  
     Boiler ∆T    
  Min. Setting = 160°F + 40°F + 10°F
          = 210°F
  *NOTE:  A higher flow through the boiler, achieving 
a 20°F ∆T would lower the minimum to 190°F.
If using the same control in a system where the 
designed return is less than 135°F, then the minimum 
135°F + Boiler ∆T + 10°F