iRobot 4150 Benutzerhandbuch

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Important Tips
  Roomba contains electronic parts. DO NOT submerge Roomba or spray it 
with water. Clean with a dry cloth only. 
For Best Performance
• Remove and clean Roomba’s brushes after every use.
• Empty Roomba’s bin and clean its filter after every use.
•   Use a Virtual Wall
 (optional accessory) to keep Roomba cleaning where 
you want it.
• Use your Roomba frequently.
Battery Life
To extend Roomba’s battery life and keep Roomba cleaning at peak 
•  Always keep Roomba plugged in when not in use.
•  Recharge Roomba as soon as possible. Waiting several days to 
recharge Roomba can damage the battery.
•  For storage off the charger, remove the battery from Roomba and store 
in a cool, dry place.
  •  Blue or black batteries should be stored after Roomba has been 
  •  Yellow batteries should be stored after being fully charged.