Samson DB1500A Benutzerhandbuch

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Operating the dB1500a and dB1800a
Level Control
The level control is used to adjust the 
amount of volume from the dB1500a 
or dB1800a subwoofer.  In addition, 
the Level control will also control the 
output volume of the high-passed 
outputs.  Therefore, if you are using 
the dB1500a or dB1800a without using 
the high-passed outputs (for example, 
when the dB1500a or dB1800a are 
connected to an external crossover) 
the Level control adjusts the low 
frequency output of the dB1500a or 
dB1800a.  If you are using the dB1500a 
or dB1800a’s internal electronic cross-
over to run satellite speakers, then the 
Level control will adjust the overall 
system volume.
The Sweep control selects the upper range cutoff frequency of the dB1500a and dB1800a’s internal electronic crossover.  
The dB1500a and dB1800a’s crossover provides a 12dB per octave Linkwisz- Riley filter curve.  The Sweep limits the high 
frequency that the dB1500a and dB1800a will reproduce, and at the same time, the high-passed output tracks the select-
ed crossover frequency as the lower limit frequency.
Stereo / Mono Switch
The Stereo/ Mono switch selects either stereo or mono bass operation.  When set to MONO, the dB1500a and dB1800a 
will combine, or sum, the left and right signals and send a mono signal to the amplifier of the dB1500a and dB1800a.  In 
this mode, the original stereo signal is passed through the left and right outputs only now the stereo signal is filtered at 
the frequency set by the Sweep control.  In Stereo mode, the low frequency signal is not summed, and you can choose 
either the left or right input accordingly for each side of the system.
The In and The Outs
The dB1500a and dB1800a features electronically balanced inputs and outputs so that any possible HUM problems are 
greatly reduced when interfacing to other equipment. XLR connectors with industry standard pin- outs are used for easy 
interface from mixer and other professional audio gear.  A detailed wiring diagram can be found in the section "dB1500a 
and dB1800a Connections" 
on page 11 of this manual.
The dB1500a and dB1800a’s control panels provide the connections and user interface to the dB1500a and dB1800a’s 
internal electronic crossover and power amplifier section. The internal amplifier is a 1000 Watt amplifier capable of pro-
ducing incredible bass output while running super cool.  The dB1500a and dB1800a employ an electronic crossover that 
adjusts the high frequency cutoff point for the subwoofer, and also, a high passed output for your satellite speakers.  You 
will achieve a tremendous benefit in sound quality by running your satellite speakers from the dB1500a and dB1800a’s 
High-Pass outputs.  The reason for this is that when your satellite speaker receives the filtered output from the dB1500a 
and dB1800a, it will no longer be looking at the frequencies below the crossover point.  Let’s say your satellite speaker 
has a natural frequency roll-off at 70 Hz, and you are sending full range signal (as low as 20Hz) to the satellite amplifier 
and speaker.  Even though the speaker can only reproduce 70Hz and up, the amplifier is still outputting 20-70Hz, which is 
wasted power and essentially turns into heat.  By using the dB1500a and dB1800a’s High-Pass output, the satellite ampli-
fier and speaker never see the frequencies lower than what’s set by the Sweep frequency.   This means you’ll have more 
power dedicated to the frequencies you want the satellites to deliver, resulting in a much cleaner sound with more head-
dB1500a and dB1800a CONTROL PANEL