Solid State Logic Soundscape Mixer Benutzerhandbuch

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Soundscape Mixpander 
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When the mouse pointer is on “Master Device” a submenu listing the hardware units (SSL 
Soundscape audio cards) installed in the PC is displayed. Clicking the name of a card selects it as 
the  Master  Device.  The  Master  Clock  mode  of  an  SSL  Soundscape  audio  card  can  only  be  set  to 
“Internal” if that card is the Master Device. 
The “Master Device” should provide the Master Clock reference for all SSL Soundscape audio 
cards installed in the computer and used by the SSL Soundscape Mixer software. However, it can 
itself operate as a Clock Slave device, locked to a Master Clock signal provided by an external 
device (e.g., a digital mixing console). 
Master Clock 
When the mouse pointer is on “Master Clock” a submenu is displayed for each installed SSL 
Soundscape audio card. Clicking the name of a Master Clock source in a submenu selects that 
Master Clock source for the corresponding card. The available Master Clock sources available are 
different depending on the Soundscape hardware configuration. For instance, in the screenshot 
below, Unit 1 is an SSL Soundscape Mixpander connected to an XLogic Alpha-Link MADI SX. 
NOTE:  Most  problems  encountered  when  transferring  multi‐channel  digital  audio  signals  are 
caused by incorrect routing or clock settings. 
When “Internal” is selected, the Sample Rate is set by the on board Master Clock Generator of the 
XLogic Alpha-Link unit. Other digital devices connected to the SSL Soundscape hardware should 
be set to operate as Master Clock Slaves. 
AES/EBU-A 1-2, AES/EBU-A 3-4, AES/EBU-A 5-6, AES/EBU-A 7-8 
These options are available when the SSL Soundscape Mixpander is connected to an XLogic 
Alpha-Link MADI SX.