MCS AS5401/1V/sync P108557 Merkblatt
AS5401 GSM-ISDN Interface
Saving from fixed to mobile
Saving from mobile to fixed
Saving from mobile international to fixed
Wireless Local Loop solutions
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The following versions are available:
AS5401 GSM-ISDN Interface for voice with 1 GSM-channel,
230V power supply, 3dB antenna with fixation mount
AS5401 GSM-ISDN Interface for voice with 1 GSM-channels and
synchronisation option, 230V power supply, 3dB antenna with fixation
synchronisation option, 230V power supply, 3dB antenna with fixation
AS5401 GSM-ISDN Interface for voice with 2 GSM-channels, 230V
power supply, antenna splitter 2to1, 3dB antenna with fixation mounts
AS5401 GSM-ISDN Interface for voice with 2 GSM-channels and
synchronisation option, 230V power supply, antenna splitter 2 to 1and
synchronisation option, 230V power supply, antenna splitter 2 to 1and
3dB antenna with fixation mounts
The AS5401 is designed for all ISDN PABX's and offers a
superior speech quality. Its flexible ISDN settings make the
AS5401 a universal GSM/ISDN gateway. The AS5401 connects
to the ISDN2 port of an ISDN communication system. It is
programmable to work:
• at an internal S0-bus
• or at an external T0-port
• or as tie-line
• at an internal S0-bus
• or at an external T0-port
• or as tie-line
The AS5401 works with Euro ISDN or QSIG protocol and therefore it is able to function with most
modern ISDN communication systems.
Built-in triple band GSM units allow two simultaneous incoming or outgoing voice-calls from or into
Built-in triple band GSM units allow two simultaneous incoming or outgoing voice-calls from or into
different networks. The AS5401 uses both B-channels of one ISDN connection. Internal routing
directs outgoing calls to a specific network.
At a cross connection or in a point-to-point set up, the AS5401 supports CLIP for incoming calls.
At a cross connection or in a point-to-point set up, the AS5401 supports CLIP for incoming calls.
Optionally both versions can be equipped with high gain antennas, longer antennacables, backup battery and/or
mounting brackets.