Fujitsu J2X1-7611-03ENZ0 Benutzerhandbuch

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# Delete manager from IflowUsers
dn: cn=IflowUsers,ou=group,dc=fujitsu,dc=com
changetype: modify
delete: member
Execute the ldapmodify command.
[Windows Manager]
Specify the created LDIF file, and then execute the ldapmodify command.
OpenDS Installation_folder\bat\ldapmodify.bat" -p <port number> -f <ldif file> -D <administrator 
user DN> -w <password>
An execution example is shown below.
c:\> c:\Program Files (x86)\Fujitsu\ServerView Suite\opends\bat\ldapmodify -p 1473 -D 
"cn=Directory Manager" -w admin -f c:\ldif\deleteuserfromgroup.ldif
Processing MODIFY request for cn=IflowUsers,ou=group,dc=fujitsu,dc=com
MODIFY operation successful for DN cn=IflowUsers,ou=group,dc=fujitsu,dc=com
[Linux Manager]
Specify the created LDIF file, and then execute the ldapmodify command.
OpenDS Installation_folder/bin/ldapmodify" -p <port number> -f <ldif file> -D <administrator 
user DN> -w <password>
An execution example is shown below.
# /opt/fujitsu/ServerViewSuite/opends/bin/ldapmodify -p 1473 -D "cn=Directory Manager" -f /tmp/
ldif/adduser2group.ldif -w admin
Processing MODIFY request for cn=IflowUsers,ou=group,dc=fujitsu,dc=com
MODIFY operation successful for DN cn=IflowUsers,ou=group,dc=fujitsu,dc=com
In the command input line, enter the command as one line without entering any line feeds.
For the directory service port number, administrator DN, and administrator DN password, enter the values that were set during
For Active Directory
From the Start menu, open [Control Panel]-[Administrative Tools]-[Active Directory Users and Computers].
Select the name of a domain that is managed by Active Directory.
Right-click "IflowUsers" of the organizational unit "Group", and select [Property].
Select the [Members] tab, and select the members to delete from the member list, and click the [Remove] button.
A confirmation dialog will be displayed. Click [Yes].
After returning to the property window of the group, confirm that the members have been deleted correctly,
and click the [OK] button.
8.2  Settings for Sending Email
This section explains how to change settings for sending an email.
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