Omega 1002 Benutzerhandbuch

Seite von 48
Software Trigger and Polling Techniques 
The steps below should be followed for software triggering and polling: 
1.  Send 00h to A/D mode control register (software trigger + polling transfer) 
2.  Send channel number to multiplexer control register. 
3.  Send the gain control code value to gain control register. 
4.  Send any value to software trigger control register to generate a software trigger 
5.  Scan the READY bit of the A/D high byte data until READY=0  
6.  Read the 12 bits A/D data. 
7.  Convert the 12 bits binary data to the floating point value. 
For example: 
/* ------------------------------------------------------------- */ 
/* DEMO 3: AdPolling                             
/* Compiler: Borland C++ 3.1, Mode Large                */ 
/* Output Code: HEX code                                           */ 
/* -------------------------------------------------------------- */ 
#include "P1002.H" 
WORD wBaseAddr,wIrq; 
WORD P1002_Delay(WORD wDownCount) 
  WORD h,l; 
  int count; 
  wDownCount &= 0x7fff; 
  if (wDownCount<1) wDownCount=1; 
 /* Clock in=4M --> count 4000 = 1 ms, count 1 = 0.25 us */ 
  wDownCount=wDownCount / 256; 
  outp(wBaseAddr+3*4,0xB0);    /* mode_0, counter_2 */ 
     /* counter_2 low byte first */ 
  outp(wBaseAddr+2*4,h);       /* counter_2 high byte ,0x07D0=2000 */ 
     /* latch counter_2 */